Adobe Photoshop
Concept Design of a Street Skateboard skater shown as a surfer on a wave to
"Live the Dream"
Photoshop layers process to create this Mech Machine:
From hand drawn sketch
to ink layout presentation & final Photoshop texture layers and digital painting to create a science-fiction scene
Before: (Right photo)
building wood-siding material
After: (Left photo)
Science Fiction Future Environment Wallscape
Photoshop layers - adding textures to building siding material; with digital image manipulation & digital rendering
Before: (Left Photo)
Photographs of natural plant material and patterned paper mirrored
Science Fiction Alien - created from natural plant materials and patterned paper, images were modified in
Adobe Photoshop - layered with image manipulation & digital painting / rendering
Before: (left photo)
WorldCraft Video Game Hand Prop Design, hand rendered drawing of Illustration markers & pastels
After: (right photo)
Photographed & placed in Adobe Photoshop - with textured layers of image manipulation & digital rendering: creating background textured effects
Cole Cobson, Physcial Therapist -
Multiplicity Physical Therapy poster
One therapist photographed as (8) Individual therapists,
trainers & clients (either being trained or receiving physical therapy treatments); combined
into the one main scene.
Adobe Photoshop - image manipulation of eight different photographs into one main space and moment in time.
"Passion for Trumpet" by Rod Serling Book
Jacket cover-
Adobe Photoshop - image manipulation of several photo images to illustrate the Rod Serling famous story
Before: Various images selected to create a book cover for "Passion for Trumpet" by Rod Serling, short stories from the Twilight Zone TV show.